AI Translation:
Achieving 95% Publication-Ready Translations

See how AI helps in localization projects. AI's ability to understand context leads to higher-quality translations. Thus, translators are now focusing more on checking and improving translations for better accuracy.

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Three-Step Collaboration:
AI, Human, Crowdin

Crowdin AI Localization
  • 1

    AI makes translations accurate, and human checks help make it even better.

  • 2

    Every correction teaches the AI, so over time, you get the perfect translation tool.

  • 3

    Crowdin makes sure everything works smoothly together.

Evolution of Translation

Language Models (LLM) redefine translation efficiency by enabling 95% ready-to-publish translations in real-world UI localization projects.

3x Cheaper Translation 2x Faster Translation
AI vs MT

AI vs. MT:
Context is Key

Receive context-aware translations. None of the MT engines can do this. At Crowdin, you can provide context per project, file, key/string, and translator session levels.

Train AI on your Glossaries and TMs

Use Crowdin's AI Assistant to fine-tune models, creating a personalized AI translator for your company. Train the model based on your resources (glossaries, translation memories).

Train AI on your Glossaries and TMs
Data Security Assurance

Data Security Assurance

Addressing data security concerns, Crowdin suggests customers bring their API keys, ensuring data privacy and ownership. With your API key, you won't be tied to specific localization software.

Wildlife Studios

How is Wildlife Studios localizing 27 Projects into 12+ languages with Crowdin AI?

Read Case Study

What's Coming:
The Translator's New Role

We believe in a huge transformation of translation editors and a new era in editing practices. Anticipate a future where only 5% of translations need fixing, fostering faster and more efficient editing. We encourage users to embrace evolving technology, experiment with AI adoption on Crowdin, and enjoy 24x7 tech support.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you’ll have $5 to test the app.

Yes, we provide the capability for users to utilize their own API key. Plus, we ensure that those users' usage remains private and untracked.

  1. Create a free account on Crowdin or sign in if you already have one.
  2. Create a new project or open an existing one.
  3. Go to the Marketplace tab and browse the apps that use AI in Crowdin.
  4. Select the app that suits your needs and install it on your project.
  5. Enjoy the power of AI in your localization workflow.

Get started with Crowdin

Join Crowdin in shaping the future of translation with innovative and efficient solutions.

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